

Photo Cred: Nate Abbott

I won't pretend to be a CR Johnson expert, because it's simple, I am not. I would be lying if I pretended I knew him, or knew all about him. However, it is easy, and right, for me to say that he was, and remains still, one of the most influential skiers of this generation. Stomping the first 1440 on film was a massive shove in a new direction, a needed change in the ever-evolving game of freeskiing. The purpose of this is not to go on about his life and what he has done. It is a mere reminder to not forget those who have taught us to remember the important things in life and how to balance them. To remember those who have motivated us to be better. To remember those who have recovered from "impossible" injuries. To remember those who have left us and continue, like CR, to push us to have an overwhelming crave for going beyond recovery ourselves, and nail that new trick or destroy that new line. We miss you CR.

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